Religion fails if it cannot speak to men as they are.
Authority is not a power, it is a responsibility.
A doctor, a teacher and a politician have no caste.
Politics in America is the binding secular religion.
I function best when dysfunctional...
Religion is the politics of faith
There's no crying in the rank book.
I'm a total people pleaser.
Surely you're not saying that the life of a human and the life of an animal are of the same value?' he ventured. 'As humans we have much greater potential, of course,' His Holiness replied. 'But the way we all want very much to stay alive, the way we...
There's no thrilling anticipation of the day's first cup of coffee...nor the eye-closing delight of that first swallow of sauvignon blanc in the evening. We cats have no access to everyday mood-enhancing substances. Apart from humble catnip, there is...
I didn't know you had a cat!' she exclaimed. I am always surprised how many people make this observation-though not all are as bold as the American in giving voice to their astonishment. Why should His Holiness have a cat-if indeed, 'having a cat' is...
Kereta seindah apa pun tidaklah berguna bila tidak mempunyai kuda yang menariknya.Lama-lama akan terbengkalai dan terpendam salju. Sama halnya dengan manusia, yang tidak akan bertahan lama bila tidak ada yang mendukung atau mendampinginya; betapapun ...
Pain is pain, hurt is hurt, fear is fear, anger is anger, and it has no color.
Ideas have unhinged the gates of empires.
Melancholy is no bad thing.
With the right Mindset...effective thinking is automatic.
The real minimum quantity is zero.
Feelings are not as uncomfortable to experience as they are to express.
. . . and together you're what, the Super Friends?
Cool is not an attitude - It's a state of mind
Jagalah teman lama kita agar tetap bahagia, maka kita akan dapatkan teman baru.