It's good to know you're working for someone you're familiar with, who's a friend and he has your back and you have his back also.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
If I had not actually got into this work and been called of God, I would back out. But I cannot back out: I have no doubt of the truth.
One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting.
I don't want to say I can't wait to get back to normal life, because I don't. I don't want to get back to normal life.
Stryker was a company that allowed me, when I had my knee replaced and I got the Stryker GetAroundKnee put in, to get my career back and get my life back.
Either you face the challenges in life head on or back out. And I am not someone to back out from challenges.
No excuses and no sob stories. Life is full of excuses if you're looking. I have no time to gripe over misfortune. I don't waste time looking back.
I was in a very deep, dark slump, and I needed to find a way to get myself out of it. I had to force myself back out into life, back out into experiencing things.
Giving back is the greatest gift of love for humanity and the greatest source of joy of life.
If I could go back would I do it differently? Well, I can't go back.
There's nothing worse than putting two similar shows back-to-back. Viewers don't want to watch one show and then sit through another half-hour of almost the same thing.
Often the deep valleys of our present will be understood only by looking back on them from the mountains of our future experience.
If you love something, Set it free... If it comes back, it's yours, If it doesn't, it never was yours.... " But if it comes back and dies, It wasn't ever real.
I'm looking forward to getting back to my house and my Ugg boots and not washing sometimes, and getting back to writing.
I missed New York. Every break I had from the series, I'd fly back to the East Coast just to get back onstage.
On the field, blacks have been able to be super giants. But, once our playing days are over, this is the end of it and we go back to the back of the bus again.
Moments never wait for anyone, slowly the new moment pushes the old moment back and then it never comes back. That's what makes them precious.
A painting is finished when the subject comes back, when what has caused the painting to be made comes back as an object.
As a game creator, I'm not 100% satisfied when looking back at the previous game that I released.
In my last year of school, I was voted Class Optimist and Class Pessimist. Looking back, I realize I was only half right.