He often came back ‘all thinky’ from work.
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
The difference between black and white is Grace!" EL
In our unpacking process, we must own it before we can disown it!" EL
A wilderness experience includes a long walk back.
I can remember back as far as age 8, performing with the Boston Folk Song Society. It was a Woody Guthrie song.
Most poetry in the modern age has retreated to the private sphere, turning its back on the political realm.
If you look back at the history of the twentieth century, Germany alone had practically destroyed Russia several times.
When I was 4, my dad let me 'help' him back out of the driveway, but I'm amazing at driving golf carts.
...there is reinforcement in such familiar back-formations as Chinee from Chinese, Portugee from Portuguese.... (p. 111)
Sometimes, there’s just no way to hold back the river.
You failed her when you turned your back on what you are.
No amount of wishing will bring back the dead.
Swear to me swear to me that if it isn't dead you'll all come back.
The day is ending; it's not coming back.
...every vertebrae on his back was a prayer bead under my hands.
If you love something let it go.. if it comes back its yours
He shrugged. 'I know you're the type' 'Type?' 'The type that doesn't let things go
I know the world is flat now, I'm not going back.
The man's emotions flowed back and forth like waves of the sea.
Sometimes going back to the beginning is the only way.