Back when I was in elementary school, I didn't have many friends.
When a girl finally texts me back, that ding on the phone is like an angel singing.
Although, I think you look back and you try to learn from your mistakes.
Tonight the thoughts of the dead are turning back to the earth.
I have a metal plate in my head, and can pop my shoulder and pop it back.
If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.
By giving away with kindness, you get it back with greatness.
But if kids take up things like hockey and football they will go back to it.
When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.
I always wear my sweater back-to-front; it is so much more flattering.
Using the right of veto would be shooting the Americans in the back.
If you're involved in with something that's original, you know, you'll always go back and try to rehash it.
You never know, I might get back into coaching someday.
When you're performing, you're playing to the back row. With acting, you have to be more nuanced.
The only thing holding us back is ourselves.
Don't allow a season in your life to last a lifetime. Bounce Back.
We may have limped onto Broadway as the underdogs, but underdogs bite back occasionally.
When I looked at the third base coach, he turned his back on me.
To see fans singing your songs back to you is an indescribable thing.
A hero isn’t a hero until he brings the boon back to the tribe.
I don't like to hold back, because that's how you hurt yourself.