I wrote you this poem because i was afraid/ To come out and tell you i want to get laid.
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.
The foundations of democratic transition should be laid in accordance with a sincere and committed strategy that is supported by various policy tools, and implemented wisely.
A life which has never been laid open in penitence and faith before God has little permanence in eternity.
It is difficult to describe paths of thought where there are already many paths laid down, and not fall into one of the grooves
Increase of material comforts, it may be generally laid down, does not in any way whatsoever conduce to moral growth.
Category after category, Barack Obama hasn't met the promises that he laid out to the American people.
There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus.
My dad used to give me a lot of spankings. Anything I did wrong, he was on me. I was raised by a strict disciplinarian. He kind of laid down the law.
Thanks to many great K-pop singers, the groundwork has been laid for more Korean songs to be readily accessible to an overseas audience via channels like YouTube.
Those who first oppose a good work, seize it and make it their own, when the cornerstone is laid and memorial tablets are erected.
I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.
If all the economists were laid end to end, they'd never reach a conclusion.
What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup.
I have always told my subordinates that when they commit any mistakes, the blame must be laid on the superior officers.
President Obama has been very clear as he laid out the goal, and the objective is to close Guantanamo.
How prophetic L'Enfant was when he laid out Washington as a city that goes around in circles!
He laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.
My teenage years were exactly what they were supposed to be. Everybody has their own path. It's laid out for you. It's just up to you to walk it.
As we continue to fight the War on Terror, it is imperative that we protect America's fallen heroes by ensuring that they are treated with respect, while being laid to rest.
I remember when my daughter, Marina, was born. The second I laid eyes on her, I was in love, and I had never felt that way before. I couldn't believe it.