Por muy lejos que te marches… siempre seguirás viviendo dentro de mi.
Me muera cuando me muera quiero que mi tumba huela como tu cuerpo ahorita.
Las lágrimas que no se lloran esperan en pequeños lagos? O serán ríos invisibles que corren hacia la tristeza?
People are dressing like stars, which is kind of fantastic.
Gaga is an entertainer, so a hat for her is part of the illusion of entertaining.
Certainly, people like Gaga have introduced a new type of hat-wearing.
I do say I'm a specialist in divas. Name a diva - I've worked with 'em.
Royalty is completely different than celebrity. Royalty has a magic all its own.
When you're wearing something on your head, you feel beautiful.
Las misiones no son un cuerpo de paz, sino la proclamación fiel del evangelio.
La gente debería verse más como sus retratos y menos como en la vida real
Por la noche los pensamientos tienen la desagradable costumbre de escapar de su correa y correr libremente.
A lot of things trigger my inspiration. It can be the most banal things.
I put everything I think is sexy into my shoes.
For me, true luxury can be caviar or a day with no meetings, no appointments and no schedule.
You know like it has its own personality, its own character.
And where I grew up in Australia, surfing was a part of culture.
Every collection that I work on, I always think, Is this cool enough to wear to a concert?
I think feminists are unaware of the tremendous extent of the role of women in history.
Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.
Design schools are good, I guess, sometimes I visit schools, but they are very very limiting.