Il ne me reste plus qu’un jour à vivre après en avoir volé quinze milliards à la mort. Plus qu’un. Deux au grand maximum.
No me queda más que un día de vida, después de haber escatimado quince millares a la muerte, sólo me resta uno más. Dos, a lo sumo
No hay tiempo para el presente. Vamos del pasado al futuro, que nuevamente se vuelve pasado: ¡ así es la vida!
Dicen que con llorar nada se arregla pero eso no es verdad. Llorar es hacer algo aunque ese algo no sirva más que para quitarnos la sensacion insoportable de no hacer nada.
All stones are close to us. The last is behind us. (Toutes les pierres sont près de nous. - La dernière est derrière nous.) (The Bird and its Sun / L’Oiseau et son Soleil)
De todos los tópicos acerca de la política, existe uno que se defiende con más fuerza que el resto: el dinero compra elecciones.
Only the family, society's smallest unit, can change and yet maintain enough continuity to rear children who will not be "strangers in a strange land," who will be rooted firmly enough to grow and adapt.
Junto dela nunca tive nem uma hora de felicidade, mas, mesmo assim, meu espírito, durante as vinte e quatro horas do dia, ainda desejava a felicidade de tê-la junto de mim até a morte.
pero es una triste realidad de la vida que, cuando alguien ha perdido a un ser querido, a veces los amigos le esquivan, justo en el momento en que su presencia es mucho más necesaria.
Ahora que ha llegado el momento, resulta que no puedo decir adiós, que no puedo soportar la idea de dejarte ir. Es una necesidad egoísta y obstinada, pero soy su cautiva.
She would speak her story in Spanish and la señora Maureen would tell hers in English; it was obvious to her that the two languages did not carry equal weight.
Happiness is the consciousness of growth. [...] If my definition has validity, it suggests that most people come to therapy because they sense their growth has been arrested. Certainly many patients look to therapy to reinstitute the growth process. ...
The widower reviewed his past in a sunless light which was intensified by the greyness of the November twilight, whilst the bells subtly impregnated the surrounding atmosphere with the melody of sounds that faded like the ashes of dead years.
As he walked, the sad faded leaves were driven pitilessly around him by the wind, and under the mingling influences of autumn and evening, a craving for the quietude of the grave … overtook him with unwanted intensity.
...the real threat from cranks is not that their customers might die -- there is the odd case, although it seems crass to harp on about them - but that they systematically the public's understanding about the very nature of evidence.
...the real threat from cranks is not that their customers might die - there is the odd case, although it seems crass to harp on about them - but that they systematically undermines the public's understanding about the very nature of evidence.
Les vases du fleuve ensevelissaient ces vengeances obscures, sauvages et légitimes, héroïsmes inconnus, attaques muettes, plus périlleuses que les batailles au grand jour et sans le retentissement de la gloire.
It is important to feel the anger without judging it, without attempting to find meaning in it. It may take many forms: anger at the health-care system, at life, at your loved one for leaving. Life is unfair. Death is unfair. Anger is a natural react...
Debería haber sabido que no se puede huir de lo que eres, y que si quieres que las cosas sean distintas tienes que empezar por cambiar tu forma de verlas y enfrentarte a ellas.
Si percibo en otra persona nada más que lo superficial, percibo principalmente las diferencias, lo que nos separa. Si penetro hasta el núcleo, percibo nuestra identidad, el hecho de nuestra hermandad.
Ogni linguaggio è un alfabeto di simboli il cui uso presuppone un passato che gli interlocutori condividono; come trasmettere agli altri l'infinito Aleph, che la mia timorosa memoria a stento abbraccia?