I'm happy to write 10 times too much music.
You just wake up and make music.
Jazz music is to be played sweet, soft, plenty rhythm.
There are a few countries that, for whatever reason, really enjoy listening to my music.
I was always wrapped around music being a tradition, a skill.
I've always made music from the heart, and that's what I do.
I've always listened to music, since I was really, really young.
I have a very difficult time describing my music.
The first music I was exposed to was Stravinsky and I loved it but I don't remember it.
People write music, and the music is out there for people to interpret it how they want to.
I'm interested in a lot of different sounds and types of music.
Why should be elite, music? Excuse me. Music must be for everybody.
People have allowed me into their homes, through my words and my music.
Me, I've concentrated on music pretty much to the exclusion of other things.
Our music comes from our hearts - and it always has.
But I don't believe in organised politics, organised religion, organised music, organised anything.
If you went to see me today, you might not like my music.
I think music should be experienced by people all ages.
Music gives us new energy and a stronger sense of purpose.
Everything we release with Tool is inspired by our music.
Reading is more of a left-brain process, and listening to music is a right-brain function.