If you care about women's rights, you can't not vote.
I'd like to play passionate women, but no one will let me.
Women serve but to keep a man from better company.
Time heals all wounds. But not this one. Not yet.
You are you and you are me. You are the Keshet.
Love is a conquest! Love is war!
The fullness of life is in the hazards of life.
Berterimakasihlah pada segala yang memberi kehidupan.
Yang berani mengalah terinjak-injak, Bunda.
The surest sign of age is loneliness.
In blues, classical and jazz, you get more revered with age.
We in middle age require adventure.
I absolutely refuse to reveal my age. What am I - a car?
I started playing music at a pretty young age.
By all but the pathologically romantic, it is now recognized that this is not the age of the small man.
To me age is a number, just a number. Who cares?
No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else.
You want to see women your own age in films.
I have never planned to have babies by a certain age.
I think it would be great if there were no age limit.
How young can you die of old age?