I would rather know than believe.
I don't know why people think I'm this ad-lib dude.
But still try for who knows what is possible!
In Life, What Would Be Best For You, You Know It Best....
Some of the most fun people I know are scientists.
Words know how to suffocate lies to exhale the truth.
These managers all know their onions and cut their cloth accordingly.
You know, girls in general are scarier than Voldemort.
You know, I've had an incredible career and I'm blessed.
The oldest sibling always knows things that the younger ones don't.
I know you are a whore, but it makes no difference to me.
I wouldn't know what to do retiring. So I have no plans to retire.
Secrecy is the enemy of efficiency, but don't let anyone know it.
I was completely shocked that Prince would even know my name.
I didn't know there was a dying-professor section at the bookstore.
I know that if I wasn't scared, something's wrong, because the thrill is what's scary.
I know something. America is not broken, Washington, D.C. is broken.
I don't really know much about cars.
You know, a TV show is a slow build.
We all know that a church is not a building.
We all know what Parliament is, and we are all ashamed of it.