I don't know if I'm a method actor.
I don't pretend I know everything.
I'm not the slowest writer that you know.
I don't know much about my biological background.
Parents, you know, can be terrible.
As Hollywood knows, I'm full of ideas.
For us... you know, we're not The Beatles.
I know every line to 'The Little Rascals.'
I didn't know Ian Smith myself!
If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously.
This is my present, you know. My present from Mother.
But you base everything on people you know.
I don't know how Hollywood sees me.
I don't know much about the Internet, I'm afraid.
You have to know that 99% of auditions you're not going to get.
I know prisons from the inside.
Your inner knowing is your only true compass.
Intelligence is knowing what’s required of you
But you know, I'm just not a quitter.
Fake a smile. No one knows you're broken.
Faith is not wanting to know what is true.