Whoever crossed the river at the fordable point, knows how deep the river is.
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
You must have slept with jean to know how he snores.
If a woman doesn't know what she has to answer then the sea is dry.
The chicken also knows when it's morning, but still watches the mouth of the cock.
Everybody knows good counsel except he who has need of it.
He who has not tasted bitter things, knows not what sweet is.
To get to know a friend, you must share an inheritance with him.
Only the hunchback himself knows how he can lie comfortably.
Never judge things of which you only know the shadow.
Poets know all about famous places without having been there.
Never let a hyena know how well you can bite.
He who lives in the attic knows where the roof leaks.
Better a devil you know than a hundred strangers.
You will never know a man till you do business with him.
The secret of two no further will go; the secret of three a hundred will know.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know
If you don't know everything, you must go on with what you do know.
Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughter?
The problem with human attraction is not knowing if it will be returned.
She knows herself to be at the mercy of events, and she knows by now that events have no mercy.