His eyes burned with intensity. I wondered briefly if someone he knew was being held in that cold room that smelled like death. Someone he loved?
In the spirit of the Alpha and the Omega, in the way the Alpha was the Omega, and vice versa, he knew the beginning was also the end—and that the end was just another beginning.
The anger welled inside me, with no where to go. I could feel it eating away at me. I knew if i didn't find a way to release it, it would destroy me.
It was beautiful, Mabel knew, but it was a beauty that ripped you open and scoured you clean so that you were left helpless and exposed, if you lived at all.
He knew what the wind was doing to them, where it was taking them, to all the secret places that were never so secret again in life.
There were a billion lights out there on the horizon and I knew that all of them put together weren't enough to light the darkness in the hearts of some men.
Kent had begun sleeping with his good eye open, for he knew the mark of sedition when he saw it. Even partway blinded, who could see it better?
Sometimes I wish I knew how to go crazy. I forget how.
I started to think about the abyss that separates the poet from the reader and the next thing I knew I was deeply depressed.
I picture you four girls back when you were small. I hardly knew where you ended and the other ones started.
Oh, we do not understand death, we never understand it; creatures are only truly dead when everyone else has died who knew them.
because the past was always around her and might return at any time. It prowled the world searching for her, and she knew it was growing angrier at every passing day.
The trees called to me, urging me to abandon what I knew and vanish into the oncoming night. It was a desire that had been tugging me with disconcerting frequency these days.
A person is limited by his conception of himself, nothing more. If you really knew who you were, you could stop the sun from rising tomorrow.
He knew he would always remember her, standing there with that expectant, forward-looking smile, enough to turn the future into summer.
I searched my mind for the right visualization. I knew it had to start with what I put in my head. That is where all my accomplishments are formed.
He scarcely knew who was battling whom, who was winning, who was losing, as though he hoped that by doggedly ignoring the war it would return the favor
Who knew that the devil had a factory where he made millions of fossils, which his minions distributed throughout the earth, in order to confuse my tiny brain?
I'm going to take a shower," I said and prepared for the comment I knew was coming. "You know what they say, conserve water and shower with a friend.
She never knew when she trespassed and when she fell in love with Huzaf. Perhaps this is the beauty of love, it doesn't knock. It just creeps in slowly and steadily.
... and someone he scarcely knew moved towards him and knelt beside him and whispered, 'Sir, was you calling out for me? ... Sir, I know ... I know,' and touched him.