When I was growing up, I never really knew my father. I didn't get to know my father until I was about 14 years old.
If a kid disappears, now there's Amber Alerts: they know this-this-this. In the '50s, we kids wandered around. Nobody knew what you were doing.
I never felt ready to have a baby until I was about 37 years old. I knew I always wanted kids someday, but I needed to be 'ready,' ya know?
I mean, I knew I wanted to do this kind of thing in school, but to actually have somebody that would bring you into that world, that was really exciting, you know?
Been in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose 'em I never knew existed before.
The Constitution wanted artists to have control over their works because they knew it would create incentive to create more works. That is clearly still the goal.
It was surreal to think the Queen of England not only knew who I was but thought enough of what I do to give me an award.
I do remember a lot of teachers saying I would do well on TV, as I have a 'modern look,' but I never knew how to take that.
It was strange how fear had gone,now that we knew the worst and had a fighting man by our side.
When I used to put an album out, I knew everyone on the charts. There weren't that many bands. Now, I couldn't even name half the new groups.
There was that word again.Mature. Was this what maturity was? Giving up on the things we wanted because we knew we’d never get them?
Clinton knew how to get things done. He was battling the Republicans, and then he basically took a lot of their agenda and made it his own. That's what Obama's not doing.
I think my mistakes were kind of common - leaning on cliches and adjectives in the place of clear, vivid writing. But at least I knew how to spell, which seems to be a rarity these days.
Being a bestseller doesnt mean they wrote a great book. Just means they knew a lot of people who would buy it.
When I did A Soldier's Story, I was very young and green and thought I knew everything-now I know I know everything!
I fought in Korea, front line. I knew who the enemy were. The enemy were the people who were firing at me. And shooting at me.
If they knew how much you kept inside to keep from hurting them, but hurting yourself instead, maybe they’d love you more.
We took dancehall and hip-hop and mixed it in the middle. I knew we had something. I thought, 'This sound is Puerto Rican sound.'
Madeline knew how that was. So many people had ideas of what you should and shouldn't do, but in the end you had to decide for yourself.
But when it came to jamming and writing songs like we used to, we realized Brandon was a huge spirit in the band. Who knew? It was just something we had to learn.
I wish I knew that when I go in for an audition and I don't get the part, it actually doesn't have to do with me on a personal level.