Early numbers are always wrong.
Friends are sometimes boring, but enemies never.
Unlike the actual, the fictional explains itself.
Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust.
Conscious thought is the tidying up at the end.
I'm like a sponge: I like to listen.
To know oneself is to disbelieve utopia.
The universe moves in the direction of Liberty.
Whatever opens us is not as important as what it opens.
Life may change but memories won't.
People take one another for granted
Before all else, be armed.
I have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullies.
Apparently I'm not a pro cyclist.
I was lightweight - that was the whole point of me.
We don't want to keep secrets anymore.
Life's too short to live someone else's
My father is a very strict man.
Cos every breath is unbearably painful
I resemble the father I once hated.
Having a goal and having a dream are different.