What is the origin of God?
Life is in God's hand.
He that is jealous is not in love.
Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
School is a foretaste of life.
Life is not a struggle. It's a wiggle.
It is not length of life, but depth of life.
Work is life. Work is opportunity.
Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.
Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.
In law, nothing is certain but the expense.
Children can be disciplined with love.
All who love are conspirators.
We are wired to find love.
People protect what they love.
There is no limit to the power of loving.
Tumaini ni injini ya imani.
Siri ni siri ya mafanikio.
Art is a consciousness-provoking vessel.
Writing is the best anti-depressant.
Sadness is the ambrosia of all art.