Simplicity is the ultimate beauty of life.
Success comes from patience and passion.
Be an example; don’t be a critic with sample.
Look for the opportunity, not for the consistency.
Be yourself to understand others.
To find the peace, learn to trust.
Life Is All About Range
Stories, A Portal to Anywhere but Here.
Milk should be homogenized-not people.
Take It and Like It
I'm not really very ambitious.
I was shaped by my mistakes.
The written word is everything.
Your imagination is a gift, unwrap it.
Basically, if you're not a utopianist, you're a schmuck.
Never be someone's filler chapter.
I'm not a disciplined writer.
Every edit is a lie.
Evangelism is not a monologue, but a dialogue.
You are in the world, but not to be tied to the world.
We want more than there is.