Are there any more beautiful words in the English dictionary than 'see you tomorrow?
Little Manhattan: The Movie NovelLet your words be your voice. And let your voice be heard within the hearts of others.
In the Midst of It AllMan will find his own structured words, which will transfigure his into immortal.
My Ancestor Was an Ancient AstronautThere was a family joke that Lucy's first words were, "Nicholas is bugging me!
My Love Lies BleedingIs it possible to write a poem or are these words just screams of outlaws exiled to the desert?
The Sun Watches the Sun... in a word, growth and improvement can come through pain and conflict.
Toward a Psychology of Being...he considered respect for one's given word as a wealth that should not be squandered.
One Hundred Years of SolitudeThe words marriage and divorce were always used together, like they went hand in hand together.
PlaymatesGod’s words are the greatest inspiration. It is refreshing and reviving to the soul!
Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind