I just consider myself slightly left-of-center. I'm not your average bear. I - what's the word? I'm not - normal.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours.
A thought to ponder: If I couldn't use words to speak, what would my life be saying?
When you think about the word 'quintessentially', it's about trying to get to the very essence of something.
I've always believed the words that came out of my mouth were most comfortable when I'd written them.
As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence.
Cook ingredients that you are used to cooking by other techniques, such as fish, chicken, or hamburgers. In other words be comfortable with the ingredients you are using.
You've gotten words about those American and Iraqi deaths and mutilations, but precious few images.
I never really understood the word ‘loneliness’. As far as I was concerned, I was in an orgy with the sky and the ocean, and with nature.
The trick is to try and justify every word on the page and make sure my character is the man who would say that.
There was one titanic guiding light on the film set, and I was in the presence of a true Mahatma, in the deepest and most profound sense of the word.
Some of my reactions are very Nigerian. I still believe that words are things.
The only players I hurt with my words are the ones who have an inflated opinion of their ability. I can't worry about that.
Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
It's hard to put into words, shaking hands with the most powerful man in the world.
I'm loving N.Y., and words can't even describe how happy I am to be here.
You are beautiful no matter what they say, remember words can´t bring you down
Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
I say the word N-U-C-L-E-R the same way that George W. Bush says it.
Sometimes the acutest of agonies are difficult to find expression in the given vocabulary: words fail but pain prevails.
'Vegetarian' is a slippery word. I don't eat cheese, I don't eat duck - the point is I'm vegan.