Religion and philosophy, philosophy and religion - they're two words which are both... different. In spelling.
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
The words 'success' and 'single' do go together, especially in Christ.
I love cover songs, but I always mess up the words!
Flaws are awesome - so, 'flawsome!' I love making up a word.
If a literary man puts together two words about music, one of them will be wrong.
But when you get music and words together, that can be a very powerful thing.
The music is the main thing and it's just as easy to write acceptable words.
I'm not a household word. The climate for original music is always a bit difficult.
I'm not a man of many words, I'm not very expressive or emotional, but it comes out in my music.
Actually, the language in Shakespeare is wonderfully musical. You need to hear the music to connect with the words.
A lot of the hip hop artists don't write music. They write words.
Songs are about just being totally honest and putting those words to music.
The word feminism needs to be taken back. It needs to be reclaimed in a way that is inclusive of men.
Men would live exceedingly quiet if these two words, mine and thine, were taken away.
Twitter is the marriage of full-tilt narcissism and full-tilt voyeurism that has finally collided in 140 words.
Pam: The only word for this is transplendent... it's transplendent!
Conklin: What is the French word for "stakeout," huh?
Kurtzmann: It's been confusion from the word go!
I don't really like the word 'hobbies.'
My words are not the inspiration, I am the inspiration.