The best kind of humans are the ones who stay.
I never cared what kind of grade I got.
Repentance is a result of God's kindness, not a prerequisite to it.
My cancer continues to make for all kind of hilarity.
Kindness is not random, it is done on purpose
There are two kinds of pedestrians... the quick and the dead.
The problem turned out to be that I never was that kind of an artist.
Let kindness reveal your humanity.
Guys are kind of retarded until they're about 30.
What I never overcame is a kind of shyness.
The premieres are, kind of exciting, especially to Ella, who loves limousines.
I am not the kind of girl that gets in trouble.
But the Go-Go's are a very original, kind of organic thing.
You turned on the radio and heard all kinds of things.
I'm kind of an antsy person.
I'm an escapist kind of writer.
Liberace was one of the biggest stars in America. He was a kind of a phenomenon.
I'm not really a tropical paradise kind of person.
It was obvious what kind of game they were playing on the set of Amityville.
Even when there are banalities, they're usually kind of benign banalities.
You are one of a kind and unique. Never forget that.