Understand you are neither inferior nor superior; you are just the best of who you are supposed to be. You have set standards for yourself and are ready to meet them.
What are the obvious temptations and inclinations that consistently call me or entice me to go against my personal beliefs, values and standards? You don’t need a prophet for this!
Just like watering the field will cause both the desired seed and the undesirable weed to germinate, the opportunities for your mission in life will be equally presented with real-life threats.
Whilst the greatest threat to your mission is the internal aspects within you, the external circumstances need to be covered against as well. Scan your external environment and circumstances.
The wisdom that comes from being conscious of the real threats to you and your mission will sharpen your deliberateness in decision & choice-making, associations and positioning.
Your mind must be prepared to face some kind of ‘failure’ or mistakes – take the lessons, face the consequences even if embarrassing, and march on.
You must practice the discipline of a champion before you win the actual contest. The appointment and opportunity must then come to confirm what you have already become.
Your unwillingness to change to my view point is purely on the justifiable basis that you have your own strongly held beliefs about important life issues.
Even if the creative brilliance sparks only once, it needs to be accelerated and developed so it has self-sustaining strategies to continue adding value to both the initiator and those it serves.
Don’t waste time. Avoid the company of wasteful people who lack the desire to achieve. Become assertive and action-oriented.
Do not plan to die, do not plan for the death of your name or your influence - rather, plan for the resting of a life well lived. Make an eternal mark.
You need to use you imagined view of the future you dream of, then paint the statement in words, to state that clear dream of your desired future.
Plan from your internal or spiritual view of things. The external view always has a way of distorting, discouraging and limiting your dream.
Those who succeed after a rare opportunity, only succeed on the back of a plan they already had or one they craft and begin to pursue after receiving the windfall.
The unfairness of judging others comes in that we judge them on the basis of our own values and beliefs, yet we can never exactly stand on common ground.
Cease from envy, prejudice and unhealthy competitiveness. Never abandon your own mission and brand to pursue the seemingly exciting mission or vision of another.
The sweet pleasure of your own joy and success is a cultivation of both the heart and mind.
Whoever said “Success is 80% Joy and 20% Hardwork” must have chased the latter 20% not ignoring the first 80%. Follow the Joy route and the power is already lost.
Discovering passion and purpose requires figuring out what works and what doesn't. Mature, successful people establish their on rules. These rules are measured by only one standard: do they work?
On television, it's all just shiny, successful people, and so I feel somebody has to wave a flag for the ordinary people who are not quite sure that they are getting it right.
A successful person isn't necessarily better than her less successful peers at solving problems; her pattern-recognition facilities have just learned what problems are worth solving.