Everyone has their own idea of the perfect partner, but they usually do not consider what it is they have to offer one.
An essential aspect of self-support is to remind yourself that success is not measurable, but a matter of feeling.
Success is directly proportional to the degree of realization of the purpose.
I don't believe the most successful people are the ones who got the best grades, got into the best schools, or made the most money.
Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.
I think the best songs are being written by the very under-stated, under-appreciated indie artists. The thing that separates them from mainstream success is they either consciously or unknowingly refuse to deliver on a big chorus.
I got a note from my father, who said that Success is wonderful, if you don't inhale. That was his own aphorism, and I think it's the very best thing he could have said to me or anyone else on the subject.
On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.
Your vision must state the end result and must be stated in the positive so that it will be a constant source of inspiration. Begin by, “I will…
Whilst you can be a stepping stone to help others succeed, you are not a dirty mat to be abused by others.
There should be a healthy ‘stubbornness’, assertiveness and confidence that comes from knowledge of your clear vision, mission, values and personal brand.
Personal growth by tackling the ‘big-picture” through focusing on the things you have power to influence is more effective and less stressful.
The ostrich-approach of burying your head in the sand, when confronting your areas of weakness, becomes a self-set trigger for failure.
You will only become significant in life, by solving the unique set of problems only you and your mission are meant to solve.
If you cannot see it in your mind, then it becomes difficult to get. If you can personally visualize it, it becomes easier and more realistic to achieve.
As you grow and develop your talent and skill – you must begin to create a demand for what you possess as a personal brand.
Whatever you possess as an advantage over others, must be meticulously executed to produce desired results and progress.
The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.
I was pretty successful before Sept. 11 and fully expected that when I left being mayor I would be very successful.
You want to BE happy and HAVE success? Join those words, BE+HAVE… To experience success in your life requires that you decide what you want and BEHAVE accordingly.
The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.