I sometimes joke, Paula, even paranoid people have enemies.
I've always been conservative. I was born that way.
When you're as plain as I am, you've gotta have a gimmick.
Confidence comes from discipline and training.
Inside of every problem lies an opportunity.
Losers are people who are afraid of losing.
At my lowest point, I was nearly $700,000 in debt.
It's tough to negotiate from a position of weakness.
Unquestionably, the mission in Iraq has become more dangerous and difficult.
America has to ask itself not what it wants, but what it can afford.
Americans who may be going to the largest embassy we've ever had.
It is never too early to encourage long-term savings.
Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations.
I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose.
I did look for compromise. I worked in a bipartisan way.
What motivates me is everything that I have been a small part of.
Anything my staff does in my office is pursuant to congressional rules.
But I don't want to leave until I see the breakthrough.
It would have been a lot of fun as a receiver to play.
Congress is like first grade, only not as well behaved.
Vivir para vivir apenas es un delito punible por las leyes del universo