There's so much crap talked about acting.
My trouble is I talk first and think later.
I don't like to be talked into anything. I don't want to be cajoled.
They talk like angels but they live like men.
My mom taught me not to talk about money.
Worse than talking with a mouthful, is gossiping with a mouthful!
Fortunately, I don't talk about politics on stage.
I don't talk about the past.
They talk of the dignity of work. The dignity is in leisure.
Talking to women about birth can be polarizing.
Women are more emotional, and it's natural to talk about it.
I still keep my accent.
I keep everything that's private private.
Keep dreaming, dreams have no limit.
I want to keep people guessing.
Keep a cool head and a warm heart.
My faith keeps me strong.
It's so hard to keep everything balanced in life.
If you don't keep learning and growing, you're going to stagnate.
I just want to keep learning.
I don't keep a journal.