Vanellope von Schweetz: What's the big deal over that crummy medal, anyway? Wreck-It Ralph: The big deal? Well, this may come as a shock to you, but in my game, I'm the bad guy, and I live in the garbage. Vanellope von Schweetz: Cool! Wreck-It Ralph:...
Rachel Lapp: Your sister says you don't have a family. John Book: No, I don't. Rachel Lapp: She thinks that you ought to get married and have children of your own, instead of trying to be a father to hers. John Book: Yeah. Rachel Lapp: Except she thi...
Marshal Weathers: Can I help you? Charlie Prince: I think maybe a coach headed for here got itself held up in the canyon about ten miles back... Butterfield: God damn it. Charlie Prince: Mr. Ben Wade himself. Marshal Weathers: How did you know ...
Reporter: So... the number 13 doesn't bother you? Fred Haise, Sr.: Only if it's a Friday, Phil. Reporter: Apollo 13 - lifting off at 1300 hours and 13 minutes, and, entering the moon's gravity on April 13th. Jim Lovell: Uh, Ken Mattingly has been doi...
Virgil: You know, I can't believe you were dumb enough to come down here. Now you're stuck here for the storm. That was dumb, hot rod. Real dumb. Lindsey Brigman: I didn't come down here to fight with you. Virgil: Yeah? Well, why did you come down th...
Mortimer Brewster: Yeah, yeah, I know that bromide. Something borrowed, something blue - old, new! Rice and old shoes, carry you over the threshold, Niagara Falls - all the silly tripe I've made fun of for years. Is this what I've come to? I can't go...
Ultron: [in a crimson cowl] You're wondering why you can't look inside my head. Wanda Maximoff: Sometimes it's hard. But sooner or later every man shows himself. Ultron: [stands and removes the cowl] Oh, I'm sure they do. But you needed something mor...
Natasha Romanoff: Clint, you're gonna be alright. Clint Barton: [waking up from Loki's mind control] You know that? Is that what you know? I got... I gotta go in though. I gotta flush him out. Natasha Romanoff: You gotta level out, that's gonna take ...
[Black Widow is flying a Quinjet, while a maskless Captain America and helmetless Iron Man stand in the back keeping an eye on Loki] Steve Rogers: I don't like it. Tony Stark: What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily? Steve Rogers: I don't remember it ...
Ava Gardner: [infuriated to learn that Hughes was tapping her phone lines to keep an eye on her] What do you wanna know, Howard? Was I screwing Artie Shaw last night? Was I screwing Sinatra the night before? You bet! Everyone told me you were a godda...
Tadashi: You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe. Hiro: [not really listening] For sure. Tadashi: And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead. Hiro: Absolutely. Tadashi: [pauses] You're going bot fighting, aren't ...
[opening narration immediately after the title sequence] Brian Johnson: Saturday, March 24, 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois, 60062. Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever i...
Sundance Kid: What I'm saying is, if you want to go, I won't stop you. But the minute you start to whine or make a nuisance, I don't care where we are, I'm dumping you flat. Butch Cassidy: Don't sugarcoat it like that, Kid. Tell her straight. Etta Pl...
[when making the payoff] The Dude: Dude. Nihilist: [on the phone] Who is this? The Dude: Dude. The bag man, man. Where do you want us to go? Nihilist: Us? The Dude: [to Walter] Shit! [to Nihilist] The Dude: Uh. Yeah, uh. Me and, uh, the driver. I'm n...
The Dude: Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man. Malibu Police Chief: Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don't draw shit, Lebowski. Now we got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet. So l...
Miriam: [speaking of Christ] As though he were carrying that cross the pain of the world. [she whispers] Miriam: So fearful. Tirzah: And yet why is it... I'm not afraid anymore? [thunder rumbles] Esther: The shadow of a storm. [they go inside a nearb...
Batman: Your father's dead, isn't he? You came into town early to get Chuckie Sol, so you could shift the blame to your father if necessary. Andrea Beaumont: They took everything, Bruce. My father, my friends, my life, you. I'm not saying it's right,...
[the two brothers are in an airshaft and getting a bit uncomfortable] Murphy: Where the fuck are you going? Connor: Shhh. I'm figuring some shit out here. Murphy: Ahh, fuck you! I'm sweatin' my ass off draggin' your fuckin' rope around. Must weigh th...
La Santona: [Addressing a young man seated before her, apparently seeking advice on his love life] You must plant your seeds in another field. Do you understand what I mean? Young man seeking advice: No, I don't understand. La Santona: It's simple, m...
Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Veget...
Don't you think our society is designed to kill in that way? Of course, you've surely heard about those tiny fish in the rivers of Brazil which attack the swimmer by the thousands, eat him up in a few moments in quick little mouthfuls and leave only ...