And then you might decide that the country can just spend maybe years or decades to regain that credit, or maybe give that county the support, the financial support that the market is not willing not do.
If you acquiesce to one interview, there's always another waiting in the wings. Also if you're interviewed repeatedly, you just start repeating yourself. I don't like to do that.
I can't write a joke. I could never write. I do a lot of stories and I call them stories, but they're just comedy recitals on a given subject.
The ultimate obscenity is not caring, not doing something about what you feel, not feeling! Just drawing back and drawing in, becoming narcissistic.
I think architects tend to believe that they can almost do anything, which is a wonderful characteristic, but in some cases you just fall flat.
Singing and dancing is not just for the cast of 'Glee'. We can wake up doing both and have it be a natural expression of who we are.
When I started training, I just started running every day, which you shouldn't do. I learned that lesson the hard way by getting a stress fracture.
You know, it's a wonderful thing. I have to say that some of the greatest actors I've ever worked with have been doing anime for years. It's not just because of the popularity, either.
I see the effects of sexual and gender liberation all around me, just like you do, but I don't have a sense of being in the majority.
Do you have a shoulder to cry on? Someone who would listen to your deepest woes without judging you? Or is it just you and the image in the mirror?
I have no shortage of material or offers, it's just a case of what you select to do. But I think it's realistic that my chances of playing Romeo are now over.
I'd like to do a number of films. Westerns. Genre pieces. Maybe another film about Italian Americans where they're not gangsters, just to prove that not all Italians are gangsters.
Obama's plan for "change": Let's do everything Bush did, only with more suck! Because it just didn't suck badly enough the first time!
If you want something bad enough, and you're having enough fun doing it, you can accomplish it. You just got to get creative and find a way.
Viv had this kind of stage presence where you couldn't ignore it. He walked onstage, he looked dangerous. You just didn't know what he was going to do.
…it’s not just learning that’s important. It’s learning what to do with what you learn and learning why you learn things that matters.
If you're playing within your capability, what's the point? If you're not pushing your own technique to its own limits with the risk that it might just crumble at any moment, then you're not really doing your job.
An Important thing : never lie to yourself, for real... worst thing is when you lie to yourself, you just keep doing it and you don't know.
I was very lucky when I started doing comedy because I hadn't seen much stand-up. I just got up on stage and did it without thinking.
I wanted to just do a one-act play for 26 minutes, with commercials at the beginning and end. For years, I couldn't get my way. They wanted to interrupt three times.
A day off after a show with no agenda in a foreign city is about the most fertile creative situation I can imagine. Just walking with nothing to do, killing time and hearing the sights and sounds of an unfamiliar place.