You just feel better when you look nice.
I just like Raisin Bran - it keeps me regular.
A story just isn't a story without a dragon.
As for me, I'm just passin' through this planet.
I just stroll in right before the recording goes on.
My favorite is Steamfresh broccoli with just a hint of garlic salt.
I think the terrorists are just idiots.
I'm just really proud of 'Dead Head Fred.'
I'm not a pitiable creature. It's just that I suffer very eloquently.
Make acting seem real and as if it weren't acting. Just make it real.
I just like playing with the band and doing what I do.
Americans just don't understand dry wit.
I don't like directors that just say, Stand there and now do this.
Did Mad freakin' Max just call me irritating?
I'm not a singer. I've sung in character, but it's just not my thing.
I just enjoy being around fans, man.
Never judge abook by just loking the cover
I just want pieces of the world.
I just want to be able to be creative.
You don't want to marry somebody who's just like you.
There are just moments when all the stars are aligned for breakthrough products.