Marriage was never a destination with me.
He promised me earrings, but then only pierced my ears.
If you give in to a fool, he will say, "This is because they are afraid of me."
Tell me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are.
Tell me whom you love and I'll tell you who you are.
Tell me the company you keep, and I'll tell you what you are.
A golden plate is worth nothing to me when my blood is spilled on it.
The crab instructs its young: "Walk straight ahead -- like me."
Tell me who you live with, and I will tell you who you are.
I can find good in my boss but he is at loggerheads with me.
Don't make me regret this," I said, breathless. "You haven't regretted me once.
Give me agony or give me death, I'll take thy heart as eternal breath
How can you lose me? You’ve owned me from the first moment I saw you.
Will you share that path with me always?” “Nothing would please me more.
Samantha, you interest me. I’d like to take you out. Why are you fighting me?
Carry me like change in your pocket and spend me as you wish.
The question was whether James would love me if I was someone else.
The bullies are always popular. Why? People love power.
Give me one man from among ten thousand if he is the best
Nobody's talking to me, but nobody's hassling me either. I guess you can't have everything.
Please allow me the honour of allowing you to bestow upon me a blowjob.