Me gustaría poder contarte qué pasó, pero no puedo. Algún día lo haré, pero ahora mismo no puedo, y necesito que lo aceptes. Por favor. Y no te pido perdón porque no quiero que me perdones por lo que hice. No me lo perdones jamás. No trates d...
Turgenev was a very serious fellow but he could make me laugh because a truth first encountered can be very funny. When someone else's truth is the same as your truth, and he seems to be saying it just for you, that's great.
I had a dream about you. People didn’t understand our relationship. You were a birdwatcher, and I was a pair of binoculars. You may not have loved me, but your love passed through me, and that was good enough for me.
He walked by, saw me and her standing there, and he said, “You’re such a pretty lady.” I said, “Thanks, man, I appreciate you noticing me.” I was upset when he didn’t offer to buy me coffee.
Shut up!" Finn turned, furious. "Look at you both! The only friends I have in this hell and all you can do is fight over me. Do either of you care about me? Not the seer, the fighter, the fool who takes all the risks, but me, Finn?
You have never let me down. You are always there for me. You are the best part of me, who I want to be, and every time I look at you I can hardly believe how lucky I am to be with you and I hope you know that.
She leaned into me, and I could feel her hot breath against my ear. 'I want you to eat me,' she whispered. 'I want you to eat me like you’re an angry Alaskan grizzly and I’m Timothy Treadwell.
Allow me to spell it out for you,” I said calmly. “I am still absolutely terrified of marriage, but I would marry you tonight if it was a way for me to prove how much I believe that you’re the guy for me.
What is it about her, Duncan?” he said finally. “She fights me at every turn, then nearly dies defending me. She comes more than willingly to my bed, then runs the very next morning. She wants nothing to do with me, and yet I find her... fascinat...
I was not weak; I did not cry. But it hurt me, more in a kind of refreshing, thrilling way, than a kind of pain that would cripple me and send me away crying. My fingernails dug into the palms of my hands, and my teeth bit into my lips, my knees were...
Aftera brief silence, Kenzie said, "Don't you believe in second chances?" The room seemed a little colder, a little darker, as if a shadow had passed over the sun. "Sonny Lee always said, 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
A guy rubbed against me,” I say. “But I think he was just trying to get by. He rubbed me, then said sorry. It was the ‘sorry’ that made me uncomfortable. The rub was kind of interesting, but when he apologized I felt like a creep because I ac...
I’m Sam Donovan.” “I know who you are. Mrs. Kulavich told me. I’m Jaine Bright.” “I know. She told me. She even told me how you spell your name.” Now, how on earth had Mrs. Kulavich known that?
Aun cuando la misma muerte me condenara a no verte, separándote de mí, tras el sepulcro otra vida, tan eterna como dios, hay en el cielo escondida, y en esa mansión querida nos reuniremos los dos...
My passion was dead. For years it had rolled over and submerged me; now I felt empty. But that wasn't the worst: before me, posed with a sort of indolence, was a voluminous, insipid idea. I did not see clearly what it was, but it sickened me so much ...
I could feel the hard part of Mom very strongly that time. It was like a stone in her that grew bigger every time my father lost his temper, right under her heart. Feeling the stone in her calmed me down. It told me that she would always be there for...
Había pasado treinta años satisfaciendo mis ambiciones, me enfrentaba a los siguientes treinta intentando mantener esas ambiciones a flote y, al pensar bien en ellas, me pregunté en qué momento me dedicaría a vivir, sin más
...but unlike me, she has a hard time saying such things. She loved me with a passion, but I felt it in her expressions, in her touch, in the tender brush of her lips. And, when I needed it most, she loved me with the written word as well.
Peter.' It was the first time I had used his name. 'You heard me sing tonight, did you not?' 'Yes, love.' The endearment took my breath away - made me forget what I meant to say. I stood there with but one thought: He must care about me.
Listen to me, Madison. I can’t have you running away from me. I know you needed some time today to process and work through everything, but don’t push me away. I don’t like it. I want to be the one you run to, not the one you run from.
I couldn't help smiling as he grasped my arms and held me in place because his warmth infected me. I hadn't known I was freezing until he held me. I hadn't known until then, after the long hours of separation, that with Cain I could pretend to be hum...