God impressed me with this a long time ago: 'Roddy, I will never do anything through you until I have done it to you!'." ~R. Alan Woods [1998]
In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
Evil does not fight against evil, rather it struggles against Good. Where as, Good does not struggle against evil, rather it overwhelmingly defeats it". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
Although we do nothing for God unto others perfectly, He nonetheless smiles upon and empowers our best efforts". ~R. Alan Woods [2010]
God also gave Theologians, Biblical scholars, and Christian authors to mature the Saints and to promote the cause of Christ and God's Kingdom". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
There are some who insist that Truth and therefore Reality is an either/or proposition, thereby deluding themselves as to what is Objectively True and Real". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
This is how I roll: Joined with Jesus at the hip rid'in the roller coaster to the end which is the beginning of Life eternal" ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
The either/or vs. the both/and views of objective reality & truth determine God to either exist in confinement or free to be who He is, I Am That I Am.
I came from across the ocean and through the wilderness and landed here and found you hiding behind a tapestry. My fate was sealed at the sight of your stockinged feet. ~Viktor von Strassenberg
High School. Society’s bright idea to put all their aggressive, naive youth into one environment to torment and emotionally scar each other for life.
When one thing takes another away, what do we call that?” she asked my class. “Homicide!” I called out
Interviews were invented to make journalism less passive. Instead of waiting for something to happen, journalists ask someone what should or could happen.
[I] settled down with the and the , glad to be back with journalism where all murders are “brutal,” all prosecutors are “tough,” and all blondes are “attractive.” And any lawyer who cooperates with the reporter is “high-powered.
Demander à la poésie du sentimentalisme ... ce n'est pas ça. Des mots rayonnants, des mots de lumière ... avec un rythme et une musique, voilà ce que c'est, la poésie.
Virtue must be the only vigorous thing in our lives. Sin is large and stale. You can never finish easting it nor ever digest it. It has to be vomited.
People say, 'Time heals all wounds.' That may be true, but relocating to an alternate reality can sure help too." -Excerpt from the journal of Dr. Harold Quickly, 1941
When my mother was sick, I found myself needing to put down in my journals all sorts of things - to try to understand them, and, I think, to try to remember them.
Everybody comes with prejudices, colored glasses on their eyes. Then they see everything colored according to their glasses. Yes, a few people come just like you, unprejudiced, without any idea gathered from yellow journalism.
If you've done a bit of journalism, everyone assumes you must be moving into PR. We're absolutely not becoming a PR agency and we're not turning into Brunswick. We will remain SRU, but we will be owned by the Brunswick Group. It's quite different.
As I got into my teens, I started reading better books, beginning with the Beats and then the hippie writers, people like Wallace Stegner up in Northern California, and all the political New Journalism stuff, the Boys on the Bus dudes and Ken Kesey.
The reason we have not gone to newspapers is because its a slow growth industry and I think they are dying. I'm not sure there will be newspapers in 10 years. I read newspapers every day. I even read Murdoch's Wall Street Journal.