I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.
Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do.
I've got no problem with anybody's religion. But if you go claiming the Earth is only 10,000 years old, that's just wrong.
The problem with writing about religion is that you run the risk of offending sincerely religious people, and then they come after you with machetes.
I think it's perfectly just to refuse service to anyone based on behavior, but not based on race or religion.
The memory of my own suffering has prevented me from ever shadowing one young soul with the superstition of the Christian religion.
Disappointment over nationalistic authoritarian regimes may have contributed to the fact that today religion offers a new and subjectively more convincing language for old political orientations.
Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation, philosophy, religion.
I'm rather secular. I'm basically Jewish. But I think I'm Jewish not because of the Jewish religion at all.
In my opinion, most organized religion does neither agentic service nor relational nurturance very well.
It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied, because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic, which is religion.
But, strictly speaking, this mythology was no essential part of ancient religion, for it had no sacred sanction and no binding force on the worshippers.
After the 9/11 incidents, Islam has become a big question mark among westerners, especially Americans. The mass media constantly raise the issue of relationship between Islam and terrorism.
I've always loved the old epics that tell a simple emotional story, whether it's the tumultuous relationship between Rhett and Scarlett or Lawrence of Arabia's passion to get lost in a faraway place.
And one thing that I always believed and that I knew for certain was that I could never have sustained a personal relationship while I worked this hard, or while I was that driven this intensely by the story.
I think that the relationship between two top-level athletes who are rivals is one of the most fascinating human relationships to explore. It's always one atom away from being a tragedy.
He who lives in our mind is near though he may actually be far away; but he who is not in our heart is far though he may really be nearby.
You don't want to be ungenerous toward people who give you prizes, but it is never the social or political message that interests me in a novel. I begin with an interest in a relationship, a situation, a character.
Because I live in the countryside, I want a building which encourages me to have a fully formed relationship with the environment. It gives me an opportunity to not just be inside or outside, but in a range of contexts.
The Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the teacher in the temple. He teaches principles of eternal significance. It is during these instructions that we see the relationship between the earthly and the eternal. We must remember that the Spirit teaches only ...
I started thinking about my relationship with my students; I'm this guy who comes in from book - and movie - land and descends on angel wings into their classroom.