Indiana Jones: Sallah, I said *no* camels. That's *five* camels. Can't you count?
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeProfessor Henry Jones: And in this sort of race, there's no silver medal for finishing second.
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeIndiana Jones: Petroleum... I should stick a well down here and retire.
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeIndiana Jones: [gesturing to a window where he just threw out a Nazi Officer] No ticket.
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeColonel Vogel: [after blasting a truck off of the tank] Where is Jones?
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeShort Round: What is Sankara? Indiana Jones: Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomWillie: You know how to fly, don't you? Indiana Jones: Um, no. Do you?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomIndiana Jones: [on Willie's incessant screaming] The biggest trouble with her is the noise.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomButler: If you're a Scottish Lord, then I am Mickey Mouse. Indiana Jones: How dare he.
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeIndiana Jones: Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am I going deaf?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomChattar Lal: Dr. Jones, in our country, it's not usual for a guest to insult his host.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomWillie: I hate the water... and I hate being wet... and I hate YOU! Indiana Jones: GOOD!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom