It's fun to go to the movies and be scared.
I'm not a strikingly handsome guy, but I'm in movies.
I never go overbudget on my movies.
Movies are fun, but they're not a cure for cancer.
I don't even have a TV.
I'm not very ambitious at all.
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
Work is both my living and my pleasure.
Our work is never over.
I'm not an eye-candy kind of girl.
You have to take risks.
This is Earth. Isn't it hot?
I like rules that are broken.
I didn't go to college.
What I do is I'm a bandleader, frontman, entertainer.
My father was a beautiful man.
I've been out on the periphery.
The flame is not out, but it is flickering.
The climate informs the character.
Detroit is full of talent.
There's a bigger universe at hand.