For the most part this is a place to find down-to-earth advice on everyday cooking, eating, food shopping, cooking equipment, and nice things to put on your table.
For me, it's better to live without looking over your shoulder, worrying about who is controlling your phone, maybe poisoning your food.
I'd like to be reincarnated as a French tart. They're so beautiful and delicate - they're like my opposite. I'm more of a comfort food: goat cheese with garlic.
Working in front of the camera keeps me alive. I couldn't care less about actors' trailers and food on sets and stuff like that - I just want to act.
I would like to have you quote me, Erich von Stroheim, as having said on this day of this month of this year this one thing: you Americans are living on baby food.
Chalkboards being used inside the restaurant seem to be a good sign that the proprietors are proud of their food, and that's kind of nice, actually - it's a nice personal touch.
I want to have a food truck that would just be bathrooms. I would line it up in back of the other food trucks, and I'd charge $1 for use.
I had absolutely no idea how I had ballooned during my pregnancy. All I thought about was eating plenty of food to keep my baby healthy.
When the show is over we still have to pay our rent, we have to buy food. We have to do all the same things that you do.
I used to hang out by the food table at parties because you don't have to talk to anybody. If you do then you can talk about the food.
There's not much cooking in our household. We do a lot of raw food, so it's more about putting the right ingredients together to create something scrumptious.
I turned into a monk when my mother went to learn Buddhism in Burma. While she learnt at the monastery, I used to roam around with a begging bowl and ask for food.
Everyone would talk about their diets and working out and what it made me do was go to craft services where all the food for the cast and crew was and I would eat.
I'm very good at ordering off the menu and eating food that other people cook for me. My husband's a fantastic cook. I always come with a good appetite!
I don't do yoga. I bite the hella outta my nails. I smoke, I eat all the wrong food, I don't exercise.
My aunt and uncle would come over when my mom was making this, or we would go over there when they were making that. That's what food is.
Whenever I feel like having some sort of comfort food, I'll have some of it but won't have tons of it.
Eating disorders are usually nothing to do with food. Parents need to be with their child to see them through it. All the therapists in the world can't help if the parents aren't present, loving, and proactive.
I will never use a substitute for butter. Margarine is one molecule away from eating plastic. If I'm going to eat that type of food, it's going to be the real deal.
It's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments, and, believe me, I think it's very tasty food.
I have 40 pounds to lose. It is not the fault of the fast food people, and anyone who's trying to sue the fast food places needs a therapist, not an attorney.