I've paid for more pianos in hotel lobbies than you can imagine.
I have a 15-passenger van, which is not fun to drive in L.A. ever.
You do anything long enough, and somebody will end up paying attention to it.
My friends always had bands, and we would play together.
Young writers should definitely research the current sounds and styles.
Some people take pictures; I write songs.
I'm the first one to admit, I'm a pretty unorthodox guitar player.
It's nice when they say I inspire them, it inspires me.
You're stuck in front of the microphone. You can't use your hands. I like to do things.
I've always been full of nervous energy, but I'm not really as happy as I seem.
I wasn't for Vietnam. When I told that to the hippie newspaper, all my people got nervous.
Really, I don't know what I'd do with myself if I retire. Wash dishes?
Once in a while I get inspired and finish my act with the hillbilly hoedown.
I don't go to church regular. But I pray for answers to my problems.
I avoid going through places where there's too much poverty.
You are what you can prove you've done. That's how people judge you.
I'm a bit of a magpie: whatever I see or hear or read feeds into the songs.
And about in the late '80s, I got kind of burned out a little bit.
Cooking for six people every day is like having a cafe.
We think we want to do something and when it comes to it, we don't. We don't like to commit.
I do so hate to be forced to be anything than other than what I am.