My beauty icons are women whose images are self-created.
Aging has a wonderful beauty and we should have respect for that.
Nature's beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.
It's not fair the emphasis put on beauty, or on sexuality.
Where is there beauty when you see deprivation and starvation?
I got through college realizing business was repugnant.
Spontaneity is such an entertaining facet of show business.
They keep the old business. We keep the ongoing business.
The NFL pension is the worst in the world of business. It's an embarrassment.
The clergy is in the same business as actors, just a different department.
My desire to participate in the business is not to make more crap.
A gay man has no business leading on a heterosexual woman.
There isn't a single business where anybody feels secure.
Show business is, essentially, a fear-based industry.
There's show and there's business. Business is a whole other beat.
My dad started his business, No Limit, for himself.
If you're the head of a business, there's a protocol that people have to follow.
Americans think that they have a history, but it's nothing compared to Europe.
As storytellers, you're always somehow creating history.
History has been the history of warfare.
Black history is American history.