I'm going to make people happy. I'm going to make them forget about their cancer. I'm going to make them forget about their diabetes.
People who have witnessed all the years of me playing, they bring their kids and say, 'I used to see this guy when I was fourteen!'
Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all.
Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of any relationship is your responsibility. You do not have to passively accept what is brought to you. You can choose.
One is often so busy doing life that it is easy to avoid evaluating whether you are putting your energy in the direction you value most.
The composition of a single melody is born out of a bit of text, perhaps the first line, but it can also be the entire strophe; it can even be the poem's overall form.
It's not all that different with the orchestra. There are orchestras that seem to be encased in dough, so that first you have to break through the normal routine, and clear out the openings.
As a singer, I float around. I'm kind of scatty, bouncing around a lot. I try to adapt to what's going on around me in the song and the arrangement.
I was a pioneer in MTV and I was there from the very beginning. So I saw how that developed and how loose it was and how much fun it was in its looseness. And I was influenced a lot by that.
If you can sing, you never lose your voice. If you don't know how to sing, your voice goes away because you sing from your throat.
In my Philly neighborhood, black and white kids hung together without even thinking about it. The spirit of Martin Luther King was alive and well.
The 'Daryl's House' thing has made me into a live musician even more than I ever was, and even in the way I record.
The biggest honor of my career was when I won R&B Artist of the Year back in the 1970s. I look at that as a major honor.
I haven't been able to write a song about flying. It just sounds cheesy. But for me, there's nothing like being up there.
I considered moving to New York or Los Angeles, but they're two of the hardest places to move to when you're just starting out in a band.
When you're a kid with artistic yearnings brought up in the Bronx, you don't get fed up too easily.
A screenplay is really a blueprint for something that will be filmed. Therefore you must always keep in mind that whatever you write is going to be staged, for real.
It is much more fun to write about villains then heroes. The villains are the ones that think out the scheme, and the heroes just kind of come along for the ride.
I feel like I'm waving the flag for musicianship, trying to bring back bands that can play.
With bass, especially bottom end, the vibration has to happen on stage otherwise the feel is wrong. This is why you can't scale the equipment down too far.
What I feel I am doing now is giving to the people exactly what they paid for but never actually heard before.