If I'm watching my favorite boxer, and he's just won the heavyweight championship of the world, and he retires, it kind of makes the guy a legend.
It's been a dream for me since I was six years old to go to the Olympic Games and to finally have that dream realised is something massive for me.
For my prom, I wore a white suit with a burgundy shirt, tie and cummerbund, along with white shoes, a white trilby and a cane. I was extra fly that day.
I used to listen to country and western and blues, John Lee Hooker, spirituals, the Bluegrass Boys, and Eddie Arnold. There was a radio station that come on everyday with country, spirituals, and the blues.
I am the type that cannot stay put in living in the past and solely in the past. It's not healthy and it doesn't feel right.
I'm a bad pessimist. I don't think about how successful any record I've ever done is going to do before it came out.
I'm still trying to find out who Paula Cole is. I always am - and I always will be - my real, inside self, which has no name.
Often I have to move my body in a certain way, like exercising, to begin to get into the right rhythm for writing a song.
I've worked with Jack Warner and Jimmy Stewart - and Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Johnny Depp twice. I've had dinners with Fred Astaire and Cary Grant.
Correcting it, I don't know; just shedding the light of day on it is a first major step, being one of the earliest generations not to just accept the words.
I was raised by the Christian Brothers, who believe in that, fortunately. They were, to me, the most rebellious arm of the Catholic Church - and one of the most liberal and forward thinking.
I hate the human race. Of course, therefore, I hate myself the most, because I am the least of the human race.
If someone told me when I was 16 or 18 years old that I'd be doing a side project with Tony Iommi, I wouldn't have believed it.
I still call myself a communist, because communism is no more what Russia made of it than Christianity is what the churches make of it.
I like to say I'm more conservative than Goldwater. He just wanted to turn the clock back to when there was no income tax.
But I decline to say who has ever listened to them, who has written them, or other people who have sung them.
The American Indians were Communists. They were. Every anthropologist will tell you they were Communists. No rich, no poor. If somebody needed something the community chipped in.
People say that if you're still angry at 52, you're not an angry young man, just a grumpy old git.
I'm always looking for something. Not in an unhappy way. I just like to try different things. I don't want to be morbid, but I'm not getting any younger.
There is a shy side to me that evaporates when I play on stage, and I like that. I think it's another facet of my character, and I need to do that.
I don't think about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing. I just think there are endless possibilities musically, really.