Every film may not be appropriate for a theatrical release, and the theatrical business is not a very good business for anybody except the distributor.
A lot of people in the movie business don't have a point of reference for me; nobody really knows who I am.
Born in Jabalpur, I was brought up in Deolali, where my father ran a small business of making fire extinguishers.
If you're a single man and you happen to be in this business, you're deemed a player. But I don't see myself as a ladies' man.
That's what I loved about show business, no two days were alike. It's an exciting life.
My mom has always said that if I get a big head, she'll take me out of this business as quickly as I got into it.
I have heard show business characterized as a refuge for childlike persons in flight from all things harsh and real.
Vulgar and obscene, the papers run rumors daily about people in show business, tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.
If my father's business hadn't gone broke, I'd be exporting nuts, bolts and sugar machinery right now. What an awful thought!
As you get older, I think everyone feels that, no matter what the job: to try a hand at running the business as opposed to simply being an employee.
I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the highlight of show business. I was born into a Christian home.
I think there are a lot of honest people doing honest business on online auctions. But the control on these Web sites is pretty minimal.
You just can't keep pouring money down an endless hole and never recoup any of it. It's got to be a business.
The only one that seems to be able to hold the business is Disney. They do it is because they have a fabulous philosophy about marketing- but even they wavered.
I just needed a job. Before being hired as an usher at the CBS Theatre, I didn't even know there was a show business!
The studios are very much business. Maybe it was always that way. It is really commercial now. Judgments are made and directions are given to make the cash register ring.
When we want to have our own style of living, it is nobody's business but ours. What we do in private is our private business.
Since I know how crazy this business is, I do the opposite of what I see other people doing.
A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts.
If you hang around long enough to show these people what you can do, you have a chance in this acting business.
Filmmaking is a business and at the bottom line people who don't make fiscally responsible decisions end up going into another line of work.