If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on the wall, I think we'd see the beauty then and stand staring in awe.
I've seen the majestic beauty of nature and the overwhelming perfection of it. To me, there's nothing closer to God than that.
That's the beauty of being a comedian - it's the one job you're allowed to do that. We're lucky. We're really lucky.
Beauty is not something you can count on. Usually, when people say you are beautiful, it is when there is a harmony between the inside and the outside.
I would never like to endorse a fairness cream. I believe in natural beauty.
The reason that the all-American boy prefers beauty to brains is that he can see better than he can think.
Beauty fades! I just turned 29, so I probably don't have that many good years left in me.
It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body, or is it something deeper than that?
I loved the energy of Dublin and the fact that it's so close to the sea, with beauty spots such as Howth so close to hand.
A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.
I do an international beauty pageant called Queen of the Universe for UNESCO, and what we do is we build kindergartens around the world.
Remember always that the composer's pen is still mightier than the bow of the violinist; in you lie all the possibilities of the creation of beauty.
Often, the roles I'm offered in England are melancholic women who are filled with regret for the past, regret for their fading beauty.
There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone's spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that's beautiful to me.
Once you go inside and weed through the muck, you will find the real beauty, the truth about yourself.
I think there are very few people who have a real style, a real personality, and real beauty.
Thankfully, beauty is easier to remove than apply, and a swipe of demaquillage in the right direction and you are you once again.
Back in the days of Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis, beauty wasn't the be-all and end-all it is today.
I think we should all be tolerant of each other and embrace each others' strengths and differences and uniqueness and beauty.
The beauty of open-source is that you can pick up right where someone left off and start right there.
I think the beauty of the writing of 'Game of Thrones' is not that the characters are fearless; it's how they overcome their fear, you know?