Ever since I got on Days I've been doing theater.
The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it.
The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.
Whoever heard of an electric violin, electric cello or, for that matter, an electric singer?
My husband is everything to me and without him it's just not the same.
If you're nice to me I'll never write anything bad about you.
I read a lot when I'm travelling and always have a couple of books on the go.
I'm lucky because I do get to fly first-class now.
I like the way remixes sound. Some of them are really creative.
I don't think we'll ever use the same sound techniques.
Heart has always been a rock band. It's always been hard-rock.
Any kind of civil rights oppression is wrong.
I sing in key, thank you very much.
I don't think any collector knows his true motivation.
I am selfish, but that's an attribute that all artists possess.
I won't rewrite on set, but I'll just trim the fat.
I think of myself as a meat-and-potatoes kind of director.
Jeff Bodine was saying that when he gets depressed, that he cleans house.
I don't think I was really addicted. I used it as a party tool.
I come from a place where there's a lot of musical families.
I make records with an open mind, I always have.