The Savior knows people by name, He knows their circumstances, and He directs us in our work to bless the lives of individuals.
When I first started doing work on how the Internet is affecting commerce, like a lot of people, I was really excited by this nearly perfect market.
The kind of job where you come in and work 9 to 5, and where someone tells you what to do all day is becoming scarcer and scarcer.
The enjoyment of work - to the extent that you have any - is likely highest in the first hours of the day when you are fresh, not tired, working on the most important things.
We should so work as if we were to be saved by our works; and so rely on Jesus Christ, as if we did no works.
A leader is someone who steps back from the entire system and tries to build a more collaborative, more innovative system that will work over the long term.
Your most precious possession is not your financial assets. Your most precious possession is the people you have working there, and what they carry around in their heads, and their ability to work together.
Eat better or work out more, and you'll see the benefits weeks, months or years down the road. Sleep more, and you'll see the benefits tomorrow.
I am not political. It is not my job. But I would be happy if politicians could read my work and draw some conclusions from it.
In the end, the women can be very rebellious, and very capable and all of that, but if she depends on a man economically, she has few possibilities.
We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution.
I have already given two cousins to the war and I stand ready to sacrifice my wife's brother.
Some of my earliest political feelings were based on the anti-Japanese bubblegum cards I got. There were also Spanish Civil War bubblegum cards. Awful.
We've made some mistakes in this country in times past - the Korean conflict proceeding that, some say proceeding the Persian Gulf War, where we were ambiguous as to what we would do.
In Oxford before the war, I had, with this interest in mind, written a short textbook entitled, An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy. It was now my intention to rewrite this work.
I saw some war heroes... John Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11.
Landmines are different from other conventional weapons. When a war is over, the landmines stay in the ground and continue to kill - for decades.
The landmine is eternally prepared to take victims. In common parlance, it is the perfect soldier, the 'eternal sentry.' The war ends, the landmine goes on killing.
In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflict stop children to go to their schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering.
Since the end of the nineteenth century, if not earlier, presidents have misled the public about their motives and their intentions in going to war.
World War II broke out in 1939, and many people credit that war with saving the economy.