What's my favourite book? It changes all the time.
It's definitely an exciting time to be an actress.
Idle time is the devil's play.
You can't please all the people all the time.
I basically say I'm on tour all the time, because one tour goes into the next.
It's still my happiest time when I'm eating.
I don't feel I'm playing villains all the time.
I had the most fantastic time filming 'Downton.'
We can constitutionally extirpate slavery at this time.
Friends take up time, and I didn't have time.
I'd like to make time slow down.
Leonard Chess passed, and that was the end of the Chess label for that time.
By the time I was five, I was a little diva.
I modeled from the time I was 15 until I was 20.
I'm probably satisfied with my career 80 percent of the time.
I been in this game a long time.
Every idea has its time.
I don't trust a lot of journalists.
I don't really trust a sane person.
Trust is built with consistency.
Trust dies but mistrust blossoms.