Everything I touch turns to gold.
I do believe in pensions.
I prefer fact to fiction.
I hate being too pretty.
I don't do the super-clean-living L.A. thing.
I get all of my comedy from CNN.
The darker the character, the more interesting.
I'm here in the mountains, in the foothills of the Catskills.
I really like acting in English.
I was a stunt man for 35 years.
There are some problems on this planet that seem to be intractable.
I hate being the subject of photographs.
I've always been naturally thin.
Celebrity's a pain in the backside - you're always on display.
My focus is on my constituents.
I always look for contradiction in a character.
As an American, I'd like to apologize-for everything.
I was always handsome under all the fat.
Figure out who you are.
I try to be as efficient as possible.
The devil always has the better tunes!