Every song is like a painting.
I was always afraid to write music.
What I have to do as a musician is do everything that is not on the music.
Music has always been around with me.
Music can tear me up inside.
I don't use old music.
Music truly is the universal language.
The music becomes something that is its own entity.
California is full of Mexican culture and Mexican music.
I've always been fond of acoustic music.
To me, music is no joke and it's not for sale.
I write music. I'm in a band.
I think music changes and it evolves.
I don't like listening to music that isn't real.
Composing music is hard work.
My sons are into German music, but they are into all kinds of music.
I'm desperate to start a career in music.
I just want to keep writing music.
Of all the arts, music is really the most abstract.
Music was what bothered me, what interested me.
I'd like to do something that involves music.