Chicago is old stomping grounds for me.
What in the world is a hangover cure?
I'm tired of playing the brat.
I don't need much coaxing.
I was a super nerd in school.
Stars arrive on their own timetable.
There is no new wave, only the sea.
Nothing can help my comedy.
Nudity is for my boyfriend or my doctor.
I'm ready for a different America.
My instinct is to be very controlling.
I'm a typical California boy.
I'm virile, vigorous, and potent!
I'm the luckiest writer on earth.
I'm a performer. I've tried everything there is.
I don't have an idol per se.
I mean, families are weird.
Knock the 't' off the 'can't'
I had wanted to do a comedy.
I like meat and carbohydrates.
Animation is a technique, not a genre.