I don't drink as much as I use to could.
I jokingly refer to the word 'gourmet' as the 'g' word.
I can clap with one hand.
I watch a lot of television. I always have.
I'm the worst person about publicizing myself.
I act with my gut instincts.
I've always been a little homemaker.
Basically, I live to do gigs.
I never have anything to talk about.
I grew up with British rock.
Touch'd either the Passions of Rage or Grief to a Miracle.
I only wanted to help my people.
What a jolly thing military surveillance is!
I lived in a kind of dream of communism.
I don't idolize anyone or aspire to be like anyone.
You have to be emotionally attached to what you are doing.
I was brought up in a world of privilege.
There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter.
You're in a band 24 hours a day.
I still believe in my country.
My hair has been mocked a lot.