The apocalypse is not around the corner.
I want an explosion the size of Cleveland.
The 12-hour workday is not uncommon to anyone anymore.
I am an avid reader.
I always made a decent living.
I put myself under immense pressure.
You have to give to be able to receive.
I never wanted anyone's pity.
I'm open to working anywhere, but not on anything.
If the challenge to fight was there, I always took it.
I accept sceptics, you've got to have challenges.
I'd make a bad preacher.
When you're with Chris Wylde, there's never not laughter.
Japanese is a very difficult language.
I wanted to be an actress, and I wanted to be a model.
I try to be as clear as I can be.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
It takes a lot of energy to teach.
It is better to watch things then to do them.
Beer. Now there's a temporary solution.
I'm a big yachting fan.