There is a great correlation between music and images.
'Game of Thrones' is great. Love it.
It's great to be mean, it is, it's fun.
Vanity is great motivation, to be fair.
I'm a fan of great storytelling.
I have really great friends.
Working is a great distraction technique.
I've swam with great white sharks.
There are lots of moments that are great for an actress.
Admiration is great, but there is a line not to cross.
The harmonica is a great instrument.
A really good poem is full of music.
Evil, by definition, is that which endangers the good, and the good is what we perceive as a value.
I love a good suit.
Listening is the key to everything good in music.
I have built my organization upon fear.
The greatest stimulator of my running career was fear.
The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him.
Fear is the passion of slaves.
We fear the thing we want the most.
The future starts today, not tomorrow.